As we prepare to wrap up the Leader-Post’s Christmas Cheer Fund after another successful year, is there ever a time when it’s not appropriate to say thank you for your generosity?
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Published Jan 04, 2025 • Last updated 6 hours ago • 5 minute read
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Chelsea Lemke of the Isabel Johnson Shelter and the new YWCA Kikaskihtanaw Centre is one of so very many who deserve our thanks.Photo by KAYLE NEIS /Regina Leader-Post
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Perhaps it’s premature to extend our final thank you to everyone who donated to the Leader-Post Christmas Cheer Fund.
We aren’t quite ready to put the 2024 Cheer Fund effort to bed. Given the postal strike late last year, the cheques are — quite literally — still in the mail.
All that said, is there ever a time when it’s not appropriate to say thank you for your generosity? Is there ever a day when one can say thank you too often?
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As such, the first thanks should go to the directors and staff at WISH Safe House. Regina Transition House,YWCA’s Isabel Johnson Shelter and SOFIA House.
Thank you to Anna Crowe, Julie McMillan, Stephanie Taylor, Stephanie Logan, Christa Baron, Melissa Coomber-Bendtsen and Chelsey Lemke for sharing stories of what you do.
Mostly, though, thank you for what you do — for bettering the lives of those fleeing domestic violence.
Thanks to all those who anonymously work with you and receive little recognition … except perhaps the gratitude of those you quietly help. In that vein, thank you to Sarah and Jackson and Joshua and Nicky — among the countless whose lives you made better. Thanks for allowing me to tell your story.
And thanks to those who have chosen to help by donating.
It’s hard to know where to start. Space does not permit me to thank everyone.
So let’s start with a thank you for the biggest donation so far — $16,000 from the Majestics Car Club Of Regina Inc.
Let’s also thank the other groups, organizations and businesses that generously donated this year: the SaskPower Superannuate Christmas Fund ($894), Sexton Family of Companies Inc. ($2,125), Irish Club of Regina ($500), Probus Regina for donating their excess funds from the Probus Regina Sparkle Tour ($250), the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada ($250), Westminster Church Anniversary Unit ($120), J.R.’s Welding Ltd. ($150), and the members of the Regina Mandolin Orchestra ($215).
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Thank you to legacy donors like the Benefaction Foundation ($5,000) and the Melray Foundation — Gladys Boehler ($3,200).
Thanks to those who found a creative or meaningful way to give, like the Griffin, Thomas and Helen Household that donated to help children and pets in need of care. There’s also the anonymous donation in honour of Karen Hack (in lieu of Christmas gifts), and whoever donated anonymously in memory of murder victim Pamela George.
Thank you for the generosity of my personal friends, acquaintances and people I have come to know through this job: Nannette and Steve Choboter, Russell and Sheila Hart, Murad and Michelle Al-Katib, Pat and Mark Mulatz, Linda and Ernie Wacker, Lorne Scott, Lyn Goldman, Ralph and Pam Goodale, Nancy and Barry Uncles, and Jim Gallagher.
Thank you to my old Leader-Post colleagues like Irene Seiberling, Marlon Marshall, Will Chabun, Bruce and Janice Johnstone; and Chryssoula Filippakopoulos, Rob Vanstone and their dog Candy for donating in memory of Jim Hopson.
While some of these former co-workers also wrote for the Cheer Fund, a special thanks to Rob who handed this job off to me after several years of tireless efforts.
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Thanks to the many who gave on behalf of those who left us like Margo Embury (who donated in memory of John Embury and Bob Turgeon) and Dan and Judi Ash (who donated in memory of Daniel Ash).
And thank you to all who gave anonymously, whoever you are.
With no apologies for redundancy, the Leader-Post Christmas Cheer Fund would like to thank the following:
Merrill and Bob Williams $200
Carol Wickstrom $50
Nancy and Ray Jacoby $150
Edward Swayze (in memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Swayze) $200
Drew and Donna Millard $50
Will Chabun and family $250
Graeme & Susan Hunter $1,000
Debbie and Barry Calanchie $25
Douglas Faller $200
Debbie and Hugh Hunt $100
Trent Whippler $50
Heather Salloum $100
David Meldrum, Lenni Frohman, Klezmer and Ray $200
Brenda Edwards (in memory of my husband Jim Hopson) $152
Anonymous (in memory of C.A. Marr) $200
Melody Jackson (in memory of Nadine Cooper and Linda Tanner) $100
Linda and Ken Weimer $50
John and Melissa Moore (in memory of our son, Adam Moore) $100
Eldon and Nora Ortman $200
Joanne and Tom Davey $100
R. Cox $50
Malcolm and Carol Eaton household $100
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Suzanne Benning $1,000
Lynne Meikle Brown (in memory of Betty Burton) $100
Doug and Joan Mieyette $300
Dan and Judi Ash (in memory of Daniel Ash) $100
Anonymous (in memory of Kim Bugoy) $1,000
Jan Ayer $200
Jill Forrester $200
Al and Brenda Ludtke $100
Theresa and Glenn Reinhart $50
Wendy and Doug Fairlie $100
Lorne and Ellen Muir $200
Derina Marcia $100
Deb and Randy Ottenbreit $100
Beverly McDougald $400
Loretta Hawkes $300
Blaine and Irene Norton $100
Dave Boychuk $50
Joan Fellinger $100
C. Francis and others (in memory of Hal Ebbels) $100
Stefan Piche $100
Patti and Ken Curtis $50
Bruce and Janice Johnstone $100
Paton Family $200
Barbara and Kim Davis $100
Alanna Manz (in memory of Al Manz) $25
Dean & Zora Tanner (in memory of Linda Tanner) $200
Nick and Natalie Heshka household $50
William and Dawn Elliott household $200
Patricia Pantel $50
Dianne Good $50
Frank and Llizz Whitehead Household $50
Anonymous $5,600
GRAND TOTAL: $126,848.81
We kindly request that if you are able to give, consider making your donation online. It’s quick, easy and secure.
Simply visit and click on the DONATE HERE button. You’ll be directed to a safe and secure payment platform managed by the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation, where you can enter donation details and payment method. Your generous contribution will be processed right away, ensuring it reaches us without delay.
Alternatively, cheques can be dropped off at the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation (1911 Broad Street) during office hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). The front doors of the building are locked, so please call 306-751-4756 upon arrival and someone will meet you at the door.
We truly appreciate your continued support and thank you for helping us make a difference!
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